
They are not only super medicinal and helpful in times of need, but also force you to check out of the world and take a moment to be still. Meant to be done facially, for clearing the sinuses during colds/allergies/sinus infections, for going deep into the lungs to clear any troubles including phlegm, coughing, infections, etc., and supporting both of these mucous membranes. Also, superficially these herbs are great for skin issues like acne, clogged pores, and general skin health. Pour boiling water over these herbs, place a towel over your head to create a cave like space, and hover over the bowl or pot of choice. You can even use the same batch of herbs multiple times throughout the day, recommended if using as an ally during illness, just reboil your batch (or refrigerate batch and use again the next day, use batch within a few days). This lil’ bag can go a long way. Make it a triple threat and simmer this blend all day in your home for purifying the air and adding moisture, a great solution for times when heaters are drying out the air, irritating your mucous membranes.

Ingredients: Organic Oregano, Organic Thyme, Wild Crafted Juniper, Locally Harvested Rosemary, Organic Peppermint

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